We lucked out again this year- the sun was out and it was grand... But I think we'll venture somewhere else for next year's mother/daughter bonding trip. The beach doesn't seem to have enough appeal for the Bean anymore. Maybe some place with an arcade or a pool. Vegas! Maybe that would be entertaining enough...
Some place with music, flashing lights, and carpet that looks like this:
Okay maybe I'm a bit cynical. She is 11 and all about computer, TV, ipod, Netflix, iphone, video games. I sound like my dad when I ask her to come back to reality, humor me and just commune with nature for five minutes, will ya?
I think it is perfectly acceptable to limit my child's use of technology and I do. She doesn't have a Facebook account despite weekly pleading. She doesn't watch TV on weeknights. But I still struggle sometimes with finding a balance. A balance between my desire to drop her off with an Amish family and her desire to have to latest gadget, to have the same toys as her peers.