I can't believe it's December already!
Every year I say that this year is going to be different. This year I'm not going to be completely overwhelmed. This year I'm going to be stress-free, damn it! But it never fails: I get this nervous twitch when I start seeing people on the news getting trampled over an ipad or a TV. So this season I am trying to simplify. (Not watching the news helps too.) My strategy this week has been to toss 90% of my holiday decorations. I feel downright liberated! Now instead of lugging 4 bins full of crap out of the basement (broken Christmas lights, cookie tins from 1987) I now lug out Bert lugs out 1 magic bin of crap out of the basement! It's the little things, right? So what's your strategy to stress out less and enjoy the holiday season more? Do tell.
I've also been keeping busy by staring endlessly at blank watercolor paper. My brush is poised and ready. But then.... nothing. I have all these ideas in my head for new paintings but getting them down on to paper is another story.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." I think the same goes for painting.